Data Science Malaysia - Course you need to know

Data Science course Malaysia

At least one person in the audience has asked, "How much does a data scientist in Malaysia make?" since the beginning of our Data Science webinars and workshops. This is a common query that we get.

We understand that this is a very practical subject, especially for people who are thinking about a future in data science or related fields.

It seems cheesy, but if you just do it for the money, you'll become bored and give up in a hurry. Regardless of the field, this is true. Before we tell you how much a data scientist earns, we'll go through what they do and the potential career paths for people in the industry.

What does "Data Scientist" mean exactly?

Apart from being a data scientist, there are a variety of big data occupations to pursue, such as data analyst, data engineer, etc. In other words, what does it take to be a data scientist exactly?

The role of data scientist should be approached from the perspective of managing a team that is analysing vast amounts of data and transforming it into important insights for the company's growth.

You must have excellent organisational skills in order to see projects through to completion and excellent communication skills in order to lead the team and act as an advisor to your stakeholders based on the data you have collected in addition to being focused on the execution and technical aspects of your job.

To learn more about what a data analyst or data engineer does, have a look at the infographic below.

Watch these videos to learn more:

a data scientist rather than an analyst is one who works with data.

What's the difference between a data scientist and a data engineer?

In the future, what opportunities may there be for data scientists?

Many people are considering a career in data science as the digital age progresses because it seems to be a viable path for professional success.

Studying data science has the advantage of not requiring you to drop all you've learned or quit your current area in order to pursue a career in data science. Many people might pursue a career in data science if they are passionate about what they are doing and want to get new insights from the data they currently have.

For example, if you work in the hotel sector and want to better understand what keeps your customers coming back and what drives them away, you may acquire and analyse the necessary data. As a result of learning data science in this setting, you'd gain a whole new set of skills while also increasing your value to the company.

However, there are two fundamental types of data scientists, which are categorised as Type A and Type B, for the purpose of examining the future career options of someone with a background in data science. Because they are Type A data scientists, they account for the majority of data scientists (think "Analysis") It is common knowledge that these people have in-depth knowledge of the industries in which they work,mobius group and they are often tasked with doing analytical work to unearth insights that benefit the company.

They are the classic programming geeks who work in data science: Type B (also known as "Builders"). As a result of their extensive training, they are fluent in a wide range of computer languages and are dedicated to the creation of innovative software to assist organisations in making better decisions by organising and transforming data.

These Type B data scientists are in charge of developing the creepy pop-up ads, such as "Products you like" or "People you may know," as an example. data science It is quite common for a lead data scientist to come from this category, and because of this, they will be able to lead and manage type A data scientists.

Many data scientists begin their careers by doing more operational jobs such as data mining, data analysis, and so on depending on the kind of data scientist they wish to be..

In the future, after a few more years of expertise, you may go from the more technical and analytical side of things (Type A) to constructing models that enable you to engage with your users (such as manufacturing, research and development, and so on) (Type B).

A more development-oriented path may lead to advancement as a senior data scientist and then as a lead data scientist. If you have a data science team, you will need a leader who can supervise it, as well as advise others on the findings of your study.

What's the going rate for data scientists in Malaysia?

We've spoken a lot about what it means to be a data scientist, and now it's time to answer your burning question.

Entry-level data scientists and analysts may expect to earn between RM 4,000 and RM 6,000 on average, according to current job postings.

Instead of concentrating just on technical aspects, you would be in responsible of managing and directing the team. Your salary might potentially rise to RM 100,000 if you continue on your path to chief data scientist. The more experience you have, as well as other skill sets like managerial abilities, the more your pay will reflect the value you provide to the company.

In what ways does a data scientist's salary depend on his or her skill set?

Knowledge of the programming language is one of the most obvious qualities that will have an influence on your pay. A survey conducted by O'Reilly Data Science malaysia found that Apache Spark and Scala are the most in-demand programming languages, with a combined total of 600 respondents.

a lot of jargon - The cup serves as an excellent visual representation of all the important considerations (often referred to as specialised or on-page SEO). It would be difficult to drink tea if you didn't have a suitable cup.

I really like what you've written. The tea symbolises your website's most significant feature: its content. It's as simple as that: no ranks for low-quality material.

A quality backlink is a link that improves the authority of a website. The last ingredient in your SEO tea is excellent backlinks, which go hand in hand with strong content and an optimised website.

How Does Search Engine Optimization Work?

Google follows a three-step process to get results from web pages:


Crawling is the process of using the Googlebot to visit newly created or updated web sites in order to add them to the Google index.

Discovering what pages there on the internet is the first step. For Google to keep its list of accessible pages up to date, it must continuously look for new pages to add. Google has already visited several sites, making them well-known. As it follows a link from one well-known website to another, Google unearths new web pages.

When a website owner sends a list of pages (a sitemap) to Google for crawling, more pages are discovered. You may instruct your web host, such as Wix or Blogger, to inform Google to crawl any new or modified pages you add.

In the event that Google comes across an internet address (URL), it will visit or crawl the website to examine what's there. Google creates the page and analyses the text and non-text content, as well as the overall visual arrangement, to decide where it should show in search results. The more Google knows about your site, the better we'll be able to match it with folks looking for what you have to say.

However, data scientists who are well-versed in as many programming languages as possible should expect to see a significant boost in their remuneration. As a result, if you're looking to further your career, learning new programming tools on a regular basis is highly recommended.

This table shows how years of experience affects salary, particularly in professions requiring more complex data analysis than those requiring just basic skills in data analysis.

Since chief data scientists are often expected to create more models than just crunch numbers, it's a good idea to look for career opportunities that allow you to do this rather than just crunch statistics.

Additional abilities, such as strong management skills for leading a team and outstanding business instincts to drive them toward problem solutions, may be developed via experience on top of technical talents. You'll be able to make a more valuable contribution to your organisation if you have these skills, which will enhance your value to your company, as seen by the remuneration they're willing to offer you.

In 2021, there will be a significant shortage of data scientists and other data professionals in Malaysia, according to the government.

Since the nation has a serious scarcity of data experts, data science will remain the most in-demand talent in Malaysia until 2021, and it was even named first in the country's top developing in-demand skill list. This expanding trend is just just getting started.





































































































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