Finding a topic to write in blog for improving SEO is always a challenging part. Therefore, most of the SEO Agencies in Malaysia have concluded a few ways that can be used to find an effective topic that your target readers or customers will really interest in.

Listen to your audience 

    Anyone who works in content marketing is aware that blog posts should be tailored to specific brand personas. In other words, the content that you will develop must address the issues of your target audience, with the goal of assisting them in some way like providing the information that they want to know.

    In short, analyzing what your audience have said about your brand is a great way to come up with blog content ideas. For example, you can examine the social media comments, direct messages, commonly asked questions, and the website itself. All of the channels where the audience comments on the product or service may be used as insights, and this can be a great way to develop more profitable and insightful material about what you have to offer in your blog.

Examine the data of your existing blog

    Examining your own blog or website is another technique to come up with blog article ideas. This method may require some tools like Google Analytics because it can give important data, such as the number of visitors to each blog page.

    You can use this tool to check which posts are the most popular and which ones have piqued your persona's interest. As a result, new ideas and agendas with topics connected to the subject can be developed. As a result, your chances of increasing blog visitors are substantially higher!

Keep your eye on the latest trends

    Current trends and latest news usually pique people's curiosity. When the topic is related to your persona, you should seize the opportunity to create content on it because these topics able to attract a lot of attention from your audience. It's worth looking at news portals, niche-specific websites, and seasonality-related subjects to see what's being talked about.

    Google Trends, a tool that displays the most popular SEO-friendly subjects on Google, is another excellent source of information. You may also type in a term relating to your niche to see what challenges and trends are trending at any given time.

Look into your competition

    On the internet, there are several blogs covering a wide range of topics. It's also fine to look at what your competitors are doing and whether it's working or not.

    Review what is being published critically for this type of research and don't limit yourself to just one reference. You can go deeper into the subject at hand and develop material that is even more dense than your competitor's.

  This is an important point to remember: it is possible to be inspired by a competition without plagiarizing the material, which is what plagiarism is all about.

Look for topics from foreign websites

    Foreign websites and blogs are also the excellent sources of information and inspiration.

   Normally, a lot of novelties appear outside! Being one of the first blogs in the country to discuss a particular topic can provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a text in Google's top rankings. Have you considered it? Make your blog topics searchable all over the world! 

Final Thoughts

    Keeping a blog topical and come with ideas that engage a persona is always a struggle. However, as we've seen, there are a variety of ways to generate ideas for SEO-friendly content. If you're looking for a blog and know that content marketing is the way to go, SEO Agencies in Malaysia is the best way to go. Our staff is ready to assist you in leveraging your business with SEO-friendly content that is rich and excellent!


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